August Prayer, update. - Community Health Evangelism

August Prayer, update.


  1. For our Micro-Enterprises & Disabilities CHE TOT seminar was  held in El Salvador July 25-29 with 22 participants from Nicaragua, Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador CHE people. Marcelo & Silvia López from Medical Ambassadors came from Argentina to train us all.
  2. For more doors which are opening to have us train more people with CHE. There are new invitations now for trainings in Arizona among an Apache reservation and also in Costa Rica.
  3. For the Mission Teams which came  to CHE villages in Guatemala and Nicaragua during the summer.


  1. For the the Electric Power Lines are already installed at the CHE Center. We are still waiting for the last official approval to have the power meter installed and let power run to the property.
  2. For our Board changes in the Treasurer Position. We are thanking Al Anderman for the many years of volunteer Treasurer ending this July 30 and now Rich Crislip & Amy becoming in charge.
  3. For the hand well diggers trying to rescue our drill bits so far lost deep in the hole in a well project in Honduras. They continue to work with very slow pace due to hard rock layers.
  1. For more doors which are opening to have us train more people with CHE.
  2. There are new invitations now for trainings in Arizona among an Apache reservation and also in Costa Rica.
  3. Pray for CHE in Panama among the Gnobe and Kuna people as our co-laborers there strive to implement CHE.
  4. Pray for the CHE in Honduras among the Lenca people to become established.