Testimonies from July to September
Join us all in Praises to the Lord for His Transforming and Saving Power!

Felipe Gomez used to be addicted to drugs during six years. He used Marijuana, Crack, Morphine and etc. When running out of supplies he would look for glue to sniff. Felipe used to lead two gangs, in two different villages than his CHE village of Monte Cristo in Guatemala. They used to do robbery mainly from homes. As the CHE volunteers regularly visited his wife Maria Natividad he finally gave his life to Jesus. Now he and his family thank God for rescuing him from that former life style. Now his family are all happy witnessing that Jesus Christ is the Savior who does wholistic transformation on to Abundant Life.
Florentin and Abel CHE Trainers among the Mam Team share this fruit with us. Will you pray for Felipe Gomez and family and for the CHE Trainers?
On the third week last July the CHE village of Tercera Calle, among the Mam Area, were blessed to host the Short Term Mission Team from Focused Living Ministries from South Carolina. Joining the local CHE people to continue their church construction project plus ministering with them witnessing at the local public school and to the children in after hours plus the medical dental clinic with our team gave much thrust to the CHE Ministry there.The ongoing local CHE witnessing is seen how more doors open to the Gospel.
Then the last week of the same July the STM team from Bethany Bible Church from Phoenix AZ also did likewise at the CHE village of Climentoro on the high Cuchumatanes Range of Mountains among the Quiche speaking culture.
The church construction project was advanced and most of the children ministered with the games and Bible teachings are been followed up by the local CHE teams.
Once again, the Caribbean and South America CHE Region of Medical Ambassadors Int invited Dr. Hugo to go to the Dominican Republic to join the CHE Internship training. Hugo was given the assignment once more to facilitate the series on Servant Leadership during the last week of September. What a humbling privilege for GCE.
Thanks to your prayers Roger Pavon –our Central America 2 Area Coordinator- after four months of hard paper work at the Nicaragua Customs Dptm. was finally able to retrieve the Well Drilling Rig donated and shipped by our Partners Drops of Grace in Texas. Now Roger and CHE FIEMCA team wait for DoG and Hugo Jr to come in December for a first well project at a CHE Village and also to begin training them on site. Always aiming for the second and third aquifer to secure safer water.
Pray for countless people waiting for safe water supply and for the Water of Life in Jesus by ongoing witnessing to them.
Last August also, Roger and Caleb –CHE FIEMCA team Coordinator–
went to Costa Rica to teach a TOT1 to the Compassion Ministry of the Church of the Nazarene.
they were blessed to count on native Cabeca as trainees.
Women’s Cycle of Life (CHE Woman Training) for Honduras.
September’s second week at the CHE village of EL Joconal, Santa Barbara saw 22 CHE Women been trained by our three Regional Master Trainers Rosita Sandoval, Lupita Rivas and Carol Garcia plus Miriam Gomez.
All the participants from 5 different Districts in the country now have the responsibility to multiply the Spiritual and Physical Truths they learned: Evangelism, Prevention and Restoration of Victims of Rape and Abuse, besides the crafts for Micro-Enterprising.
Thanks a lot Women’s Cycle of Life Int Coordinator Dr. Marcia Nayak and Medical Ambassadors Int for subsidizing this fruitful Training.
Pray with us that Dr. Nayak will become able to visit the trainees early in 2015 for follow up. Mexico and Belize still wait to be trained.
In the meanwhile, Adolfo Area Coordinator went consulting local CHEs about improvements for their local fish ponds to increase protein productivity.
Then during the last week in September, Dr. Hugo went to continue the CHE Training of Trainers Seminar to 14 leaders of 3 churches in the outskirts poor neighborhoods of Tijuana, Baja, Mexico.
Pastor Jacob Sotelo, Mexico Area Coordinator and Hugo are alternating to train these eager to be trained leaders from the same number of communities.
During the brief one hour exercise witnessing with the CHE Picture booklet around the community of Girasoles 5 persons prayed to receive Jesus. The rest of people witnessed to are also been followed up.
The 3 local churches in the area and the training sponsors Rancho La Paloma and Menlo Park Pres Church are been instrumental for GCE to have this opportunity.
Pray that the next training episode with Jacob Sotelo Mexico Area Coordinator in November will be even more fruitful.
On behalf of Global CHE Enterprises Board of Directors and the CHE Mesoamerica Teams we praise God for we can count on you our friends, co-laborers, investors, donors and prayer intercessors that Our Lord allows us to minister all together with you who pray, give, come to the field and share with others.
Your fellow servants
Hugo and Miriam Gomez.
October 2014.