… and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
Isaiah 2:4.
Central America 2 Area Coordinator Adolfo Leon (GCE staff) sharing with Maynor in the middle of a routine work day. Pray for Maynor.
In Joconales Honduras, Maynor Marin 38, used to be a criminal in the north and central part of the country. He could not exist without carrying and using weapons everywhere he went. Pastor and CHE Trainer Manuel Mejia reached Maynor and lead him to the Lord. Now been discipled he is been growing in his New Life with Jesus congregating at the local church of God where CHE works seeing ongoing transformation in the community. Maynor has exchanged the weapons for work tools, now he makes cinder blocks for a living . Praise the Lord with us for this testimony!
GCE Board Renewed.
Last January 10 and 11th our GCE Board met in Gilbert AZ and among the accomplishments it was re-organized and two new board members were added. Rich Crislip from Arizona and Greg Bouchard from Texas are now even more involved in GCE. Brent Strange has been appointed Marketing Director. Brent is the one who redesigned our www.globalche.org which many of you have reported enjoying it.
We are thankful to Donovan Mueller who did the very first one we used for 6 years!
We are honored to count on these committed servants of the Lord who amid their many other duties in the Kingdom of God are willing to go the extra many miles through GCE.
We are grateful to the former Board Members who have completed their term. RiCHEst blessings to each one!.
Dr. Marcia Nayak, International Coordinator for CHE Women’s Cycle of Life in Medical Ambassadors came to visit CHE villages in El Salvador and Guatemala last January. Our Regional Master Trainers in El Salvador and WCL Trainers in Guatemala enjoyed hosting Marcia during the week of intense travelling.
During the 3rd week of January Jacob Sotelo, Mexico Area Coordinator went to Tijuana/Tecate Mexico to continue the training of the 2 local churches sponsored by Menlo Park Pres Church and Rancho La Paloma. Then Hugo Sr went in February to be followed by Jacob in March again. Pray that these CHE teams will grow in implementation of CHE reaching their whole communities for Christ.
Last week of January Roger Pavon Central America 2 Area Coordinator and Hugo traveled to Santo Domingo Ecuador invited by Project New Hope to share Training of Trainers 1 seminar to their teams from Ecuador and Peru. Pray that they will implement CHE to reach their own contexts. They saw a handful of professions of faith while going out witnessing for the exercise with the Evangelism CHE Picture booklet.
During 16 years already , Calvary Church, Muscatine, Iowa have been tirelessly coming Short Term to bless the people in Guatemala. The wholistic team led by Pastor Bruce Martin helped our Quiche CHE team at the village of Escaputzi. The medical/dental clinic, children’s and construction teams always bearing fruit in His Kingdom.
The CHE Center Development continues gradually in God’s timing. The Construction team from Mission Community Church, Gilbert AZ came back to continue to raise the A Frame cabins at the CHE property which will house CHE Trainees from the villages, the Area and the Region and only the Lord knows from where else around the Globe. Would you like to participate toward this project? Let us know how, please.
The Womens National Board of Guatemala Presbyterian Church invited GCE to do a presentation of CHE on March 4 so we brought our Regional Master CHE Woman Trainers from El Salvador plus Filadelfia, Micaela and Miriam. We are expectant to see what they may request to begin training.
Bay Presbyterian Church, Ohio shared the following paragraph after their half week with us last March:
In partnership with Global Community Health Evangelism (GCHE) this year’s trip marked the re-start of our medical missions. We were invited by one of GCHE’s communities known as Chirramos. Chirramos is just one of many underserved rural communities in this beautiful country. Our medical team of seven (7) had the opportunity to work very closely with Dr. Hugo Gomez, the CEO of Global CHE, Mesoamerica, the people of Chirramos, his son Gabriel who is studying to be a doctor, as well as several individuals who were available to provided English, Spanish, and Quiché translations for our team……A time of prayer –Each morning started with prayer by Dr. Gomez, Pastor Genaro, and our team, with the community council, the community members, and the individuals who came to receive God’s word and healing. It was an amazing time as we all came together to lift our voices to the Lord in prayer. Praying in different languages one realizes that we are coming together as “one”.
The AMSA Baylor University Pre-med students again joined us last March, four years in a row! The villages of Cieneguilla(Quiche) and Los Alonzo (Mam) were blessed by the Medical/Dental CHE clinics along our local team. They also ministered to the children who would not want to see the visiting team leave.
March continued to keep busy when the High School team from Mission Community Church Gilbert AZ led by new GCE Board Member Rich Crislip arrived. They ministered the water project at the CHE Village los Mendez among the Mam plus did important work at the CHE Property. See below.
The Mott Family STM team again blessed the village of Los Alonzo by shouldering with the local CHEs to continue the church facility construction. The work with the local women bear gladness and thankfulness giving them encouragement plus a raise in self worth.
CHE villages in El Salvador and Guatemala hosted the exploration team from Pure Heart Fellowship Church from Arizona also in March. They have made commitment to return with first Short Term Mission Team in July to El Salvador.
Below, the Village Las Marias welcoming the visitors + CHE Women at village Segura proudly showing their Micro Enterprise projects+ with Host CHE Team.
Community Ownership in CHE!….From Baja in Mexico throughout the Region south bound to Nicaragua locals do work for their own development. Ellie Lugo Goolkasian and Roger Pavon did not have to come to an agreement to find themselves reporting simultaneous work! CHE empowers women for multiplication both Physical and Spiritual.
We continually praise and thank God for each one involved with GCE. The fruit shared is possible in the Provision of the Lord through your prayers, gifts and witness.
Check the Prayer Requests page for updated items, please.
Your fellow servants in GCE. Board, field staff and the Gomez Family.