September prayer, join us! - Community Health Evangelism

September prayer, join us!


  1. Electric Power running to the CHE property (CHE Center)!. Just 3 weeks ago yours and our prayers proved to be approved from high above and the power company finally obeyed to correct their “bureaucracy” errors!.
  2. For our Board changes in the Treasurer Position are taking place in a gradual manner.
  3. For all of you who knew and prayed for our family as we went through my father in law illness and derived rush from his departure to be with the Lord! For the Lord has protected Christa and family from any threats or risks!
  4. For the villagers at Mam CHE Village Las Barrancas gave all glory and praises to the Lord for their accomplishment completing their water project!
  5. For the Veterinary Team which came to Quiche and Mam villages to also do neutering clinics besides the usual vaccinations and deparasiting led by Dr. Tom and Diane Schiefer. For God´s Mighty Hand protected Tom from more harm during an accident falling from a path into a ditch! His local medical treatment took place in our church´s small hospital and Tom was able to depart as scheduled with the team back to the states!. Tom is recovering with his doctors back home.


  1. To become able to continue the construction of the A frame cabins at the CHE Center in order to begin using it for CHE training seminars.
  2. For Cory Rae Drust (Our Chairman’s daughter) joining and committing to help GCE in administration.
  3. For the hand well diggers trying to rescue our drill bits so far lost deep in the hole in a well project in Honduras were not able to rescue it. Excess of rain made it impossible to continue. So we lost our pieces of equipment. Pray for His Provision to replace those drill bits and pipe stems.
  4. For more doors which are opening to have us train more people with CHE. The invitation to train at the Apache Reservation in October was forced to postpone it until 2017, possibly in the spring. There is a crime investigation going on at the reservation and the authorities prohibited events until new advice.
  5. Pray for CHE in Panama among the Gnobe and Kuna people as our co-laborers there strive to implement CHE.
  6. Pray for the CHE in Honduras among the Lenca people to become established. Our co-laborers there will teach a TOT 2 to the leaders this September. Pray for a fruitful implementation of CHE on their part.
  7. For Hugo Jr trip to Phoenix to be instructed by our GCE Board about more administration and financial duties for better stewardship on our part on the field.