“As they went on the way, they came to some water, and the eunuch said, “Behold, here is water. What is keeping me from being baptized”
Acts 8:36
Almost like the Ethiopian Eunuch, Santos Maldonado expressed to the CHEs in Calel Guatemala Quiche Area who led him to trust Jesus then conducted follow up for him through the Christian Growth CHE Lessons until Santos said “Is my age too late to be of worth to get baptized?”. So they went down to the water and obeyed the Scripture.
Santos Maldonado 70 yrs old
But through Community Health Evangelism you can also reach all ages for the Kingdom of God. In Nicaragua our fellow servants CHE FIEMCA Team rejoice on the profession of faith by Aldo García (14), now in training as a CHE Volunteer already witnessing to more youth in his village Los Rincones. Pray for Aldo fighting Juvenile Diabetes, first in his household to profess faith in Jesus.
Aldo García 14 years old
Crafts CHE Training
But Evangelism in CHE is not events. Witnessing is ongoing. Crafts CHE Training also include the Colors Bracelet for Witnessing.
Nicaraguan CHE Women learning to share with more women in their villageLady with braceletTeaching Dental Health. Dr. Gary Howland alumni of the CHE Internship Training in Guatemala back in 2015CHE with children in Nicaragua who even sign their commitment to witness to their same age friendsCHE Children been taught how to reach their same age friends besides learning Bible Stories CHE with children, the little ones in NicaraguaGirl with braceletCHE Women equipped and ready to witness in their village
CHE Women
It takes CHE Woman Master Trainers for the Women´Cycle of Life Program among the Quiche and Mam peoplesAs Women gather to be trained Spiritually and physically they are encouraged by receiving equipment for weavingBy a fraction of the market price they happily get equipped with backstrap weaving sets. Even paying a fraction it maintains and lift up their dignityProductivity becomes income generationOther villagers ladies join interested in the crafts but also go through the CHE Spiritual and socio-physical trainingBut some villages have gotten to more sophistication. The Traditional looms are also needed for local productivityAssembling the looms requires experienced trainersIt takes several truck loads to deliver the traditional weaving looms and the industrial sewing machines donated by our partner Littleton Bible Chapel CO, to encourage and train villagers to recover the almost lost art and craft and become productive againLoading the trucks take several handsThere is always room for more loadOnce delivered to be distributed to those that earn the sewing machinesPutting the machines to good use is required first by the need then by the commitment
Food and Water
Food Security requires Training for Vegetable Gardening and Diversification of CropsIf water is underground Why staring up above?Folding the drill rig after drilling a second well at the CHE Training Center in Guatemala. This well has been donated by Mr. P friend of Kirk Douglas our partner and Trainer in Water well skill. Kirk & Gloria also donated this drill rigTo label a Water Well Project as Successful it mainly requires villagers involvement and some investment for Community Ownership which will guarantee Long Term Sustainability
Cycle of Poverty
Multidimensional poor household in GuatemalaMultidimensional Poor Household in El SalvadorExtreme Poverty included shelter Witnessing to them door to door, CHE home visits
Furthermore, when reaching the poorest of the poor in despair and hopelessness the least you can do is ministering to them in wholistic Biblical ways.
Witnessing at the villagers mere dwellingWhenever needed and supplied CHE does relief ocassionaly but CHE Training is the key to help them become able to break out of the Cycle of Poverty as described above. CHE movilizes the church and villagers for their own process of development onto Transformation in a Biblical Wholistic Way: The Great Commission & the Great Commandment. Our dear partners by donating and investing make it possible in God´s Provision.The core of CHE Movement is the training at the houses of the villagers. The CHE volunteers do share one spiritual and one physical lesson according to the need in every visit.Last May 10th, four Staff Members from Food For The Poor, Florida came to visit a model village and the CHE Training Center to Evaluate the possibility of Partnership. Please pray about it.
Also the first week of August we received the visit of the Pastor and 4 leaders of Steam Boat Church from Iowa who came to explore CHE villages in Guatemala. They went back and will pray about partnering with us for Short Term Missions in the near future.
Million Village Challenge for Mesoamerica
The Global CHE Network has assigned Global CHE Enterprises Mesoamerica Region (us) to host the Second Consultation on the Million Village Challenge for Mesoamerica. We praise God that the local Organizer Committee formed by Leaders from the Church of the Nazarene, Campus Crusade CRU, Micah Network, Baptist Church CBM and ourselves have been actively busy to hold it in September 21 through 23. Join us in Prayer, we are expecting participants from Argentina, Brasil, Bolivia and other nearer countries besides our Mesoamerica Region.
On behalf of the Board of GCE,
Hugo & Miriam Gomez and Hugo Jr & Micaela September of 2023.