Not Only Numbers - Community Health Evangelism

Not Only Numbers

Seventeen lives committed to the Lord

It could have been 18 or 16, many more, or many less; but it was 17 new heirs and joint-heirs with Christ we had the joy to harvest during the week of joint mission at the CHE Village of El Coronado in Guatemala last March. The Water Team from Deer Creek Church from Littleton Colorado,  our Three decades unconditional partners led by Kirk & Gloria Douglas, taught VBS to the CHE Children while drilling for a water well. The well was completed and now see see the villagers getting water for a first time in 22 years, after having to haul water from the nearest river at 3 kilometers away.             

Medical-Dental Health Clinic

Then in March also, the CHE Villages of El Suj and Chirramos were blessed to run the Medical-Dental Health Fair (clinic) along with the Mission Team from First Baptist Church from Pine, Arizona. As Commanded,  the Good News were also delivered to the patients who come seeking solution to their physical illnesses. Pastor Mike Ward & Barb came leading this partner team as a last time due to retirement. They have partnered with us unconditionally also for 3 decades.

Work in April

In April we hosted Pastor Mary Scott and Jairo & Ofelia Gomez from Grace Way Church in California who came to explore CHE Villages for possible partnership with GCE/ASODECS in Guatemala.   

Pastor Mary and Mission Leaders

In April, we also began to train an Interdenominational Association “Accion Social” with Wholistic Ministry in other part of the Quiche speaking people. They have been serving relief for years and now they want to reach more in Jesus model with CHE for Development and Transformation.

Work in May

In May Dr Hugo was invited to Travel to Guadalajara Mexico to the EXPONAZ, Missions Conference of the Church of the Nazarene to continue introducing CHE in their country.

Then in May also GCE Mesoamerica Region was represented  in the IWMC International Wholistic Missions Conference of the Global CHE Network by Hugo SR and Jr plus CHE partners from: Honduras – 2 from Church of God,  Guatemala – 3 from Nazarene Church) and 1 from Baptist Church.

GCE /ASODECS hosting Littleton Bible Chapel

May continued blessedly busy by GCE /ASODECS hosting the Mission Team from our also 3 decades unconditional partner Littleton Bible Chapel, Colorado led by Mike & Christina Douglas. The Water projects at the CHE Village of Pachbox Quiche and Buena Vista Ostuncalco Mam were successfully completed now providing water for thirsty people.  The Medical-Dental-Optometrist clinic plus BVS during the week encouraged the local CHEs to keep on the good work.

Our new GCE Partner, Steam Boat Baptist Church

Our new Partner Steam Boat Baptist Church from Iowa brought Medical, Construction and Children´s teams to the CHE village of Calel where all patients were ministered to amid the weather conditions derived from Recent Hurricane in the Caribbean in June.

Work in June

Also in June, our partner Bay Presbyterian Church from Bay Village, Ohio returned to explore more partnership opportunity with our local CHE teams among the Mam People.

The TOT 1 Training continues in Nicaragua with our partner CHE FIEMCA/GCE to leaders on the Island of Ometepe.

Prayer Items

  • Please pray for all of our local co-laborers and foreigner partners.
  • Pray for the fruit of CHE to multiply the impact.
  • Pray for our Current Donors who have remained loyal and steadfast to this humble ministry and thank God for our Previous donors.
  • Pray for our Board of Directors as they tiredlessly invest they diverse talents entrusted by God to Them.
  • Pray for our children and Grand Children to keep growing in the faith and CHE Involvement and Commitment.
  • Pray for Hugo & Miriam Health. (Miriam´s Heart Condition is improving, Hugo Senior’s retinas are improving but still has pending Cataracts Surgery).

Your fellow servant,                                                                                       

Hugo Sr.

July 11th 2024.