We hear it often.. “I thought I was going on the mission trip to bless others, but I was the one who was blessed!”
These are the words we hear from many of those who have come to Mesoamerica to do mission work and are pleasantly surprised by the mutual blessing found while doing the mission. This mutual blessing often captures the individual’s heart and brings them back to the mission field repeatedly. Seems a bit selfish to keep returning to he mission seeking that same feeling doesn’t it? The best selling book When helping hurts does a great job explaining how God is working in the middle of this:
Because every one of us is suffering from brokenness in our foundational relationships, all of us need “poverty alleviation”, just in different way. Our relationship to the materially poor should be one in which we recognize that both of us are broke and that both of us need the blessing of reconciliation. Our perspective should be less about how we are going to fix the materially poor and more about how we can walk together, asking God to fix both of us.
Perhaps those that feel blessed by the experience have had their perspective changed and understand that mission is primarily about walking along side others and building a relationship?
Our partners at Calvary Church in Muscatine, Iowa have created a video with testimonies of the past trips to Guatemala to help promote a future trip. They’ve done a great job at giving us insight to what being on a trip is like. Check out the video out and please join us in prayer for those in the Muscatine community to be led to go on the trip. While you’re at it, make that prayer even bigger… that it would inspire individuals, communities and churches across the world to seek and live out the blessing of reconciliation.
Guatemala promo 2017 from Calvary Church on Vimeo.