By Dr. Hugo Gomez
Humbly and simultaneously proud Trainer Obispo among the Quiche team in Guatemala introduce newborn believer Carlos Hernandez who used to be an alcoholic but has been sober since he gave his life to Jesus when reached by the CHE home visits in the community of Vista Hermosa on the Cuchumatanes Range of Mountains. Witnessing one […]
A biologist and educator by training, David Werner wrote in his book Where There is No Doctor: “The Art of Teaching is the most important skill a person can learn. To teach is to help others grow, and to grow with them. A good teacher is not someone who puts ideas into other people’s heads; he […]
“The Lord God helped us until now!” 1 Samuel 7:12. Let us begin by introducing Eleodoro Mendez. He used to be a violent drunkard abusive to his wife Braulia Lopez beating her every day he was drunk. He was an atheist. The Lord Jesus reached Eleodoro through the Community Health Evangelists at the village of […]
… and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. Isaiah 2:4. In Joconales Honduras, Maynor Marin 38, used to be a criminal in the north and central part of the country. He could not […]
Praises: The villagers at Las Barrancas and Las Granadillas are slowly recovering about rebuilding their crops irrigation system to continue to produce income locally so to avoid life threatening migration to Guatemala city, to Mexico and beyond. Those who were helped to rebuild after the earthquake now have a basic shelter of their own. The Short […]
Praises: The CHE Training Center caretaker family Vitelio and Lucrecia seem to be adapting gradually to the current extreme conditions as they have moved to the property since January 4. Pray for their children’s schooling too as they have to adapt. The Ministry of Drops of Grace in Texas has confirmed they want to partner […]