By Dr. Hugo Gomez
When Our Lord God allows You to see First Fruits upon beginning a New Year of Ministry Work in His Kingdom You must only give Him All Praises and All Glory for the Fruit to bring to Him for the rest of 2025. Testimony of Debora Ajtun Pastor Apolinario, a CHE Trainer among the Quiche […]
Seventeen lives committed to the Lord It could have been 18 or 16, many more, or many less; but it was 17 new heirs and joint-heirs with Christ we had the joy to harvest during the week of joint mission at the CHE Village of El Coronado in Guatemala last March. The Water Team from […]
The Greek word Kairos, refers to God’s divine timing in Christian belief, and manifest its significance when applied to one’s personal experiences. Kairos for Alejandra Mende Alejandra Mendez has suffered from Cerebral Palsy since birth. For 5 decades Alejandra had seen scores of people coming to her parents house with good intentions to pray and […]
All of us in Global CHE Enterprises have been blessed to wrap up the year 2022. As the Word of God teaches us: “It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is thy faithfulness.” Lamentaciones 3:23 Yes those Mercies and Compassions […]
A Pharmacist Testimony: “Our Guatemala STM was a testimony to God’s providence, sovereignty, and timing in all things. I admit that I had trepidation prior to the trip. While not anxious about the work involved, traveling, or language barriers; I was fretful about the inability to truthfully impact the lives of the local community in […]
Humbly and simultaneously proud Trainer Obispo among the Quiche team in Guatemala introduce newborn believer Carlos Hernandez who used to be an alcoholic but has been sober since he gave his life to Jesus when reached by the CHE home visits in the community of Vista Hermosa on the Cuchumatanes Range of Mountains. Witnessing one […]
By Brent Strange
A lion’s share of work by the Gomez family is spent hosting Short Term Mission (STM) teams. The needs within Mesoamerica are large and the Gomez family rely on partnerships with churches and missionaries from around the world to accomplish God’s vision for Mesoamerica and Global CHE. In 2016 Global CHE hosted 18 STM teams! These trips last […]
The Core of all CHE Interventions!. Witnessing person to person! In their own context! By and with their own! CHE volunteers in their own village and neighborhoods. The outcome can not be any different! Harvest! Fruit! Here some of the new believers resulting from the Community Health Evangelists at the CHE village of Vista Hermosa […]
… and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. Isaiah 2:4. In Joconales Honduras, Maynor Marin 38, used to be a criminal in the north and central part of the country. He could not […]
Praises: The villagers at Las Barrancas and Las Granadillas are slowly recovering about rebuilding their crops irrigation system to continue to produce income locally so to avoid life threatening migration to Guatemala city, to Mexico and beyond. Those who were helped to rebuild after the earthquake now have a basic shelter of their own. The Short […]